Energy Efficiency & Resiliency
Energy Savings & Resilience Programs
As a trusted safety-net community-based organization, Neighborhood Housing Services of Queens has been at the forefront of the provision of resiliency and disaster relief efforts. NHS of Queens is proud to be part of various efforts ranging from renewable energy education to emergency preparedness.
NYSERDA Regional Clean Energy Hub
New York state created Regional Clean Energy Hubs to provide information to individual homeowners, small businesses, and affordable housing owners about ways to reduce energy use and costs.
The Queens hub can help you fill out applications for free home-energy assessments, provide information about available energy incentives, electric vehicles, community solar programs, and can connect you with a contractor to complete your energy efficiency upgrades.
Project CASH: Financial Preparedness for Emergencies
Project CASH is a one of a kind pilot program with the goal of clients creating an emergency savings account. Participants who save for 6 consecutive months will receive up to a $200 match from us!